09 May 2013

Updating the Teaser(or FreEbook4Good) for community and readability values

Finally had the time to review the FreEbook4Good which demonstrates how Socially Responsible Niche Marketing can be an advantage to any Ebook self published work of effort. We made two changes:

A. Due to readability surveys, we standardized on Arial Black font 13 for it's clear font readability. Changed from Verdana.

B. Added a link every 800 words or so, for those with comments, to a google + hangout community. Seems that we were missing the feedback along the first four chapters and only invited folks feedback at very end.

Lessons Learned.

Have a looksie (1st Link) and perhaps this might engender a few ideas for  Your efforts.

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good