20 August 2013

Why Posting to Author Pages or Sites Makes Sense but Not Sales

The labor and dedication which is required for writers and authors is much like the 'birthing' process(see this link to compare YOUR Ebook or Book gestation period to other notable mammals). http://www.factacular.com/subjects/Gestation_Periods_in_Mammals

And, once the Ebookchild is ready for the world, the natural tendency is to show off the new brood to friends and family, and even complete strangers. Seems a likely effort.

HOWEVER, there are few places online where showing off the new bookchild actually results in the 'Presents' of sales (Free GiveAways Notwithstanding) and opens the dialogue for other options.

We recommend following this blog and pick up some effective Epublicity tips from a nearly 50 year veteran of four continuous publishing and internet marketing generations. 


May the ebook force be with You.

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This is a Philanthropreneuring YoU Special Project see http://bit.ly/PhilYoUEnroll

Ready to Place Your Ebookchild in 200 Online storefronts?
Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good
Have started on this Jungle Tour AdVenture in 2013.

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book