27 May 2013

A prequel to the Jungle Tour for Ebook and Book Authors OR Worshipping at the Altar of the SEO Gods

A bit of a notion about how I see our Jungle Tours taking shape with firm tongue in cheek reference(all rightes reserved) to Source of this film trailer.

Do You See Yourself as this character when considering how Your Book or Ebook can be cast into the torrents of the Amazon Jungle of nearly 20 million titles?

Much has been said about the notion among so called Jungle expedition experts (Note: I offer a seat on the Learning Curve Express boat), that once Your ebook or book has entered the teeming masses(estimated at between 10 and 20 million titles) that all one needs to do is get a good search engine terms strategy, and voila, the promised land appears with willing and grateful readers at hand.

Let me disabuse that notion with a bit of what I have Learned in interactions with the SEO Gods and more vitally, the importance of knowing that language with that Searchers' tribe is essential.

A. In 1995 at a BEA in LA, I had the fortunate experience of meeting, informally, with a key designer of the data crunching engine from deep in the Amazon forest, who showed me his etchings which clearly demonstrated that 'understanding' of the algorithms is not the reason why the chiefs of that tribe are in the book business.(Hint: Like all head shrinking methods, this one shrinks data and puts it on market for passing traders). So not many ways to win that search approach is there?

B. Know personally for many moons, two interesting magicians, namely Declan Dunn, who at Internet World 2 in NYC pronounced this missive "It's the communities of communities" which make an interesting WWW campaign. Sage wisdom that transcends the banalities of SEO madness. Second gent is Danny Sullivan, who's credentials in Search Engine tuning is well known, who has explained that Search without context is a vain passion. I advise a careful read of their blogs to help with translating the language of the SEO Gods.

So, how do I propose to fox the chief of SEO? Simple really. Let us venture forth through the native communities online, meet those tribes, and learn the contextual languages that are spoken there. I recommend this as a means of preventing the languishment of Your BookChild in the dark recesses of the teeming jungles of ebooks and book titles.

Of course, we would be delighted to have You along during one of our summertime expeditions organizing now at this link. Hope that this has helped a bit. 

It's A Jungle Out There For BookChildren & Their Authors Find a Spot 
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Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book

Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good
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Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book