27 May 2013

A prequel to the Jungle Tour for Ebook and Book Authors OR Worshipping at the Altar of the SEO Gods

A bit of a notion about how I see our Jungle Tours taking shape with firm tongue in cheek reference(all rightes reserved) to Source of this film trailer.

Do You See Yourself as this character when considering how Your Book or Ebook can be cast into the torrents of the Amazon Jungle of nearly 20 million titles?

Much has been said about the notion among so called Jungle expedition experts (Note: I offer a seat on the Learning Curve Express boat), that once Your ebook or book has entered the teeming masses(estimated at between 10 and 20 million titles) that all one needs to do is get a good search engine terms strategy, and voila, the promised land appears with willing and grateful readers at hand.

Let me disabuse that notion with a bit of what I have Learned in interactions with the SEO Gods and more vitally, the importance of knowing that language with that Searchers' tribe is essential.

A. In 1995 at a BEA in LA, I had the fortunate experience of meeting, informally, with a key designer of the data crunching engine from deep in the Amazon forest, who showed me his etchings which clearly demonstrated that 'understanding' of the algorithms is not the reason why the chiefs of that tribe are in the book business.(Hint: Like all head shrinking methods, this one shrinks data and puts it on market for passing traders). So not many ways to win that search approach is there?

B. Know personally for many moons, two interesting magicians, namely Declan Dunn, who at Internet World 2 in NYC pronounced this missive "It's the communities of communities" which make an interesting WWW campaign. Sage wisdom that transcends the banalities of SEO madness. Second gent is Danny Sullivan, who's credentials in Search Engine tuning is well known, who has explained that Search without context is a vain passion. I advise a careful read of their blogs to help with translating the language of the SEO Gods.

So, how do I propose to fox the chief of SEO? Simple really. Let us venture forth through the native communities online, meet those tribes, and learn the contextual languages that are spoken there. I recommend this as a means of preventing the languishment of Your BookChild in the dark recesses of the teeming jungles of ebooks and book titles.

Of course, we would be delighted to have You along during one of our summertime expeditions organizing now at this link. Hope that this has helped a bit. 

It's A Jungle Out There For BookChildren & Their Authors Find a Spot 
Summertime adVenture book tour

You are invited to our Community Here

Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book

Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good
Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book

25 May 2013

It's A Jungle Out There For BookChildren and Their Authors OR How to Find Your Way Around the Amazon Forest

9 August 2013 From the Cataract overlooking the Amazon Deep Jungle

Well, we have concluded that the point of avoiding the traps "Inside" the amazon jungle is pointless SO we are advocating that Indie Authors consider joining in a New adVenture on a Map Making tour of the World, where each Indie ebook which qualifies will be carried by our digital porters through at least 25 Indie Store outposts on a New AdVenture Map. IF Your Ebook is OUTSIDE of the Young Adult Fiction genres which are permeating the 'Best Sellers' lists online, then perhaps this new adventure is for You and Your EbookChild. See the following notes below on how to be added to our Next Jungle Adventure tour.


14 July 2013 The Darkness of the Jungle Favors the Few

Been watching for signs from the natives and jungle beasts, and they are clear for those BookChildren which are strong and well written. IF Your Bookchild is NOT one of these Five subjects, the algorithms(those devilish trail makers inside the Jungle) will NOT lead a searcher to Your Ebook or Book. This is based solely on one issue:

"The Jungle Gods determine what Your search reveals and Nothing more!!"

So IF Your bookchild refers to anything other than:

  1. Romance Novels
  2. Sci Fi
  3. Future Thrillers
  4. Blood and Guts Adventures
  5. Mystery, Crime and Sick Comedy

Antidote is to consider guiding Your BookChild to a safe community where earnest and loving readers will appreciate their story and share that among like minded folks.

Perhaps it is time for You to draw Your Own Online Guide Map to help Your Bookchild?

See this link for a step by step guide FreEbooklet  http://bit.ly/How2EbookGuideV2

The Next step is entirely In Your Hands.



20 June 2013 Does that Fire in the Night Need Kindling OR Is there another path

Seems that the Gods of the Amazon Forest have pulled another devilish trick, and created mini villages called 'Worlds' which look to become private enclaves for BookChildren of authors who will only be permitted to play in these worlds IF they pay for that right. AND that means that many good BookChildren will go hungry outside the locked search gates of those 'Worlds'. We need to expand the maps for other villages and make a guidebook on how good BookChildren's Authors can draw their own maps. Will be ready within a few days.

From outside the Amazon 'Worlds' locked gates



17 June 2013 The Book Child You Treasure is surrounded by Hostile Jungle Creatures

All the time we are taking to increase the visibility of the Book Children on this adVenture appears to be a lost cause. Seems the Amazon Jungle gods are conspiring to rob the food from the children each time we send someone to help by reading the book at our page. That happens with this sort of trickery:


Seems that the necromancers in the Jungle would deign to kidnap the visitor to a third trail and we discovered that these listings appeared to divert the adVenturer to a part of jungle where our Book Child was no where to be seen. Devilish tricks of the jungle.

More on next report.....



14 June 2013 The trail is steep and narrow

We have found out that the well Hidden Treasures books are so well disguised in the Amazon Forest that we may need to equip this party with more supplies. So we are evolving the process to roll each of these book authors into Epub format(used by about 75% of the world's e readers and desktop and Laptop computers) and will post another note about that diversionary path in a few days. 

See this link about having an option for the 'Telescoping' marketing of a FreEbook to Ebook to POD(Print On Demand) version so that YOUR BookChild is not wandering around the Jungle On their own.

From Deepest Jungle Post # 1

8 June 2013 The 1st adVenture begins

We have agreed to start this process with two books, one in POD and Ebook format and the other just in book format. True to Form, neither of these candidates are 'popular' and in fact, fit the 'Hidden Treasures' format we cherish. Here are the two titles and in the next 30 days, as our GuidEbook takes shape, we will show You how we discover these hidden gems in the teeming jungles of the Amazon Digital Forest.

Brightberry Press www.brightberrypress.com


Firstly we seek the books in the Jungle Based on Author's Name and voila, this is first clue to the depths to which this fine writing is HIDDEN in the Jungle. http://bit.ly/JeanHayJungleSearch2013

Best-sellers rank#938,621 in books seems to be under that mystical 1,000,000 best sellers line
Sophia Sirius Publishing www.sophiasirius.net


This candidate is searched for by title since there are five cooperative authors see this result


Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,273,558 Paid in Kindle Store and How Many Kindle Titles are Ahead of this one?

We will endeavor to improve these invisible and notable books during this expedition.

Make note of how the Amazon Jungle designers make it impossible to find a good book AND distract the visitor with apparently unrelated search findings. Easy way to get LOST in the Amazon Forest when searching for a good reading item. Hmmmmmmmmmmm....

With me as the guide we will adVenture to discover the hidden native tribes who are most interested in these topics, and offer gifts and tribute to their chiefs AND the Goddesses of Search.

Stay Tuned for More

Patrick M
Jungle Tour Guide


Ok Ok..I get it. The Kindling is fresh, the Amazon Jungle is the place that most authors decide is where their Book Child will want to be playing AND there are myriad tour strategies for navigating through the highlands and byways, and avoiding the sinkholes and swamps of the Ebook and book selling jungle online.

So for the summertime of 2013, I will be conducting Personally guided tours for FIVE (5) authors or self publishing parties, every 10 days we will start a new adVenture. What You can be sure to experience are these Five simple Jungle survival strategies:

A.  What provisions are needed for the journey.
B.  Who to engage with for your jungle adVenture.
C. In classic Jack London style, an effective diary to social communities.
D. Visiting with local tribes and imparting Your story in native dialects.
E. Live to tell the tale and enjoy the Journey.

I recommend before You consider becoming one of the 15 travelers each month of June, July, August and September, that You browse through this Socially Responsible Guide blog and get the sense of how we approach this sort of endeavor. More particularly, get to know your guide (moi) with a Google + Hangout, or google talk or even a phone call via skype.

And here is one episode about appeasing the SEO Goddesses with 
special language and tributes as an example.

Your commitment will be for 30 days of Online Jungle navigation. To make a reservation and secure Your place among the Five adVenturing authors or self publishers, choose one of these reservation options. 33% deposit (fully refundable) required to secure Your seat on the river boat.

We hope that you can join us and enjoy a summertime adventure for Your Bookchild and Your self.

Please select the reservation which fits Your schedule. Total is 88.00 USD x 3 weekly installments = 264.00 ( of which we contribute 1/3 to protecting Amazon Forest indigeneous tribes). Each payment is due at beginning of each week of a four week adVenture(last week is on the house since your survival is not assured).

Week 1: Preparing and packing for the tour
Week 2: Drawing a map(Yours for keeping) and travel to starting point
Week 3: Meeting the native tribes and local bookstore owners
Week 4: Returning to civilization with a new perspective.

This will be the Digital AdVenture of Your Ebook or Book online experiences(almost a book in itself).

Contact me Here to be considered for a Private Tour ebooks4good@gmail.com

If none of this appeals to You then perhaps some of our Other Offers below may fit Your particular timing more effectively.

Patrick M.
Navigating the Ebook Jungle Tour Operator


You are invited to our Community Here

This is a Philanthropreneuring YoU Special Project see http://bit.ly/PhilYoUEnroll

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Or As a Gift For Your Socially Aware Community Writer, Author, Self Publisher or Activist http://bit.ly/EbookNicheGiftSW2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good
Have started on this Jungle Tour AdVenture in 2013.
Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book

20 May 2013

The Wind UP and Here's the Pitch for June 2013

You all have been patient weeding through the matrix of myriad musings(he he alliterative are we?) as this blog takes form in last few months. And now here is the payoff for that patience.

Starting on 6 June 2013, I will be conducting online Hangouts courtesy of Google + (search on ebooks4good@gmail.com for my connection) where we will explore how Your community organization, or Your ebook MAY benefit from a Niche Focused Marketing adVenture this summertime.

A cursory review of the postings here are the recipe ingredients and in June we will open the kitchen for eligible trainees in the Fine art of ebook marketing cuisine.

So, we are offering these sessions as a Pay as You Go option (which means that You can invest what You believe is value of the transfer of learning curve information. We believe that strongly in the method.

Sessions will be available by reservation and to secure that place on a private basis, we are asking for a nominal 'Prime the Pump' investment of 8.00 USD as a fully refundable reservation fee.

We are prepared to design with Your guidance and our skill set, a remarkable and solid ebook Niche Marketing campaign, which also will lend support to a favorite charity of Your choice.

Google + Hangouts will run 45 min online sessions.
You will be co piloting the sessions.
We believe in No Secrets Approach.

Hope to See You in the reservation queue.

18 May 2013

In Search Of 'The Missing Ebooks' OR How to Find Your Communities Of Readers & Friends

OK, sometimes being a contrarian is like being on the end of a branch high in a tree and the storm whips the tree and makes for a wild ride. Yet, after nearly 40 years in publishing, technology marketing(essence of ebook marketing is like shareware), and product management, there is ONE issue that continues on as a relentless Factoid.

If You want to have Your Ebook FOUND spend more time on Searching for the Niche communities and placing an excerpt from the ebook in a current discussion(just like in a Sunday Salon of yesteryear) and then make a condensed FreEbook available as an appeteaser, which carries a link(at the bottom page) to the Ebook(hopefully as a gift) .

Make absolutely sure that about 1/3 into the ebook and FreEbook that an invitation to review and discuss the subject matter is included.

This method has worked on two notable projects. CSFTS, 101 Stories etc(circa 1994) and Vegan Fusion(circa 2008) so is based on actual experience and not some SEO big data warehouse theories.

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Or As a Gift For Your Socially Aware Community Writer, Author, Self Publisher or Activist http://bit.ly/EbookNicheGiftSW2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good

16 May 2013

Am I Mything Something with Ebook Sales Figures OR Is There More Market Elsewhere?

One thing I have learned, again and again, is that one sits in the hallowed halls of Geekdom, there is an apparent issue with the Hot New toy for the boyz, and like the tale of Pinocchio, the old toys get discarded. So with that metaphorical reasoning, let us suppose a few issues here.

A. Nook and Kindle are warehouse application sets that are intended to control access only to approved merchandise, and IStore is doing same thing.

B. Epub is industry standard, and one that Android(which is racing past the other three in e reader and smartphone usage) uses Epub approach.

C. Adobe Digital Editions and Reader are compatible with EPub and 95% of installed desktops and laptops are using one or both of these products(that number of potential readers is NOT less than 150 Million potential users).

So moral of the short story is this. IGNORE installed base of potential readers at the peril of Your ebook sales success, AND use the Niche approach to reach a focused market of HIGH potential pass along readers.


Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book

BTW, if You have a PC and not an ereader tablet or e reader, we have a guide for downloading Free E readers for Your laptop or desktop computers. http://bit.ly/100MMPCEbook

Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Or As a Gift For Your Socially Aware Community Writer, Author, Self Publisher or Activist http://bit.ly/EbookNicheGiftSW2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good

15 May 2013

E Reading Travel Community 4 Women With a Busy Schedule Summer 2013

We would like to announce the availability of our Staycation and Holiday Travel guide, where the Ebook versions of The Sophia Sirius(www.sophiasirius.net) collections on Women's Rights are available for Your enjoyment.
  1. Wings & Dreams:4 E|lements of a New Feminism
  2.  'A Man's Guide to a New Feminism' FreEbook
  3. The Three Wise Women of Bethlehem
are available as summertime e reading gifts for the Independent Woman in Your Life(including You !)

To discover which Buy Local IndiePendent Bookstore OR International Airport location has these offerings, see this link to the International Guide page. http://bit.ly/BuyLocalWings

The Story Of Rose is available here http://bit.ly/3WiseWomen2012

Hope that summertime reading is a relaxing and informative time for Your communities of New Feminists.

Updated reference: We announced this campaign through the groups on this Niche Focused list of blogs where Women making travel plans are already in communities.


Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
BTW, if You have a PC and not an ereader tablet or e reader, we have a guide for downloading Free E readers for Your laptop or desktop computers. http://bit.ly/Ebook4PcPDF

Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good

14 May 2013

Is There a Missing Market For Ebook Readers in Plain Sight?

As some of You know I take the contrarian view (no big data warehousing of ebooks) in this blog, and this short note is another item along  those lines. Did You Know that with nearly 200 Million desktops, laptops, and netbooks in the market, that an ebook can reach those markets just as easily?

Here is a public service document in Adobe Pdf format  http://bit.ly/Ebook4PcPDF

UPDATE 7 September 2013 The CLEAR Direction of ebook reading is shifting FAST to Epub(open standard) and Android Smartphones. Word of advice - Keep the content light, tight and text based and watch this channel for more on that direction.

Which lists the locations of those Free Ebook readers for the top four most popular formats.

Go figure huh?


You are invited to our Community Here

This is a Philanthropreneuring YoU Special Project see http://bit.ly/PhilYoUEnroll

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Or As a Gift For Your Socially Aware Community Writer, Author, Self Publisher or Activist http://bit.ly/EbookNicheGiftSW2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good

11 May 2013

Mr. Pareto is Rolling In His Grave or Ebooks count differently

Being an old math and stats man(careful on old) I am familiar with a gent Named Pareto and his principle about the 80/20 rule (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle), and wondered how that applied to the ebook sales data.

Seems that Mr. M. Coker, CEO of Smashwords, just issued the 2nd in the series on sales data. Here is that link for review and quite the read it is.  http://bit.ly/SWData2012

So being the wise Guy I am known to be, I 'friended' Mr. C on Faceboy, and this dialogue ensued. As one can see there is some heat here. My summary is that 1000 of 120,000 titles(less than 1 %) ACCOUNTS for half the sales. So that means we all are in the 99.992 % fighting over the other half.

hmmm. now where is that Niche strategy gone. Ahh here it is.

Hope that helps a bit.

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here

Or As a Gift For Your Socially Aware Community Writer, Author, Self Publisher or Activist http://bit.ly/EbookNicheGiftSW2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good

  • Patrick Michaels would be delighted to see how pareto principle is applied on these stats
  • Mark Coker Hi Patrick. An extreme form of Pareto Principle is at play. The top 1,000 our of 120,000 account for 50% of the sales.
  • Patrick Michaels Mark is that 120000 units sold or titles and btw just posted my first ebook to SW but on purpose kept it clear of premium(apple kindle) since we have data suggesting epub hits smartphones and entry level e readers best
  • Mark Coker Patrick, the study draws upon sales data from slightly over 120,000 titles over an 11 month period. Be sure to get your book in our Premium Catalog. Over 90% of our authors' sales come from our distribution network

09 May 2013

Updating the Teaser(or FreEbook4Good) for community and readability values

Finally had the time to review the FreEbook4Good which demonstrates how Socially Responsible Niche Marketing can be an advantage to any Ebook self published work of effort. We made two changes:

A. Due to readability surveys, we standardized on Arial Black font 13 for it's clear font readability. Changed from Verdana.

B. Added a link every 800 words or so, for those with comments, to a google + hangout community. Seems that we were missing the feedback along the first four chapters and only invited folks feedback at very end.

Lessons Learned.

Have a looksie (1st Link) and perhaps this might engender a few ideas for  Your efforts.

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good

07 May 2013

The Difference between a FreEBook4Good and a Free Ebook(a la Kindle 3 day events)

Been watching the ebook whirlwind and noted that there have been some postings about Kindle Free giveaway sessions and some counts arising around 4 to 20 thousand downloads. Quite impressive to an extent, yet a few questions arise.

1. How qualified were the ebook users for the subject matter or was it like an appetizer at a party too good to pass up?

2. Last time I checked, Kindle still does not allow for pass along of an ebook, which means that the SINGLE MOST POWERFUL marketing technique, word of mouse(he he) is NOT an option with their model. Shame really.

Ok a solution?

I recommend and use widely, the Feedbooks services(see this link for a sampler) or this one too which provides these features:

A. Download in Epub(most readers); Kindle(amazon) and PDF(computers using Adobe editions). See this link for the Missing 100 Millon Ebook potential readers.
B. PDF at least allows for pass along among communities and around 95% of computers use Adobe.
C. No time limits and some helpful analytics on usage.

Might want to consider these options when deciding on which Free Ebook strategy to adopt.

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Or As a Gift For Your Socially Aware Community Writer, Author, Self Publisher or Activist http://bit.ly/EbookNicheGiftSW2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good

06 May 2013

Five Simple Ideas to Market Your Book AND Get some SEO benefit

I am no big fan of SEO(search engine optimization) and I count among my long term acquaintances a leader in that market, Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Land, yet let us not allow my personal prejudices to affect marketing advice. So for those authors who are a bit 'reluctant' to market their books, here are a few notions which may create a bit of 'emotional distance' from the 'bookchild' and the responses of the focus Markets.

#1  SEO depends on HIGH relevancy of subject matter among web sites meaning that the googlebot looks at both sites, and assesses a 'weight' to the relevancy of the two sites content. Soooo, let us say that Your Ebook talks about Women's Good Causes(such as this one does @ www.sophiasirius.net) and the focus community blog/site/discussion group has a  high MATCH with that topic, the googlebot will accord a strong relationship among those sites. VOILA a high search result.

#2  Placing a 'see my ebook' link in an unrelated site is like rudely interrupting a conversation say, on foodies, with a riposte on politics. People like to be 'heard' and to be considered knowledgeable on a topic. Keep the focus community's needs in your mind before posting anything, and for goodness sake, instead of a link to your book link, draw a 'relevant' excerpt from your book, and place that in context. Placing a 'come to my book ' link is really ineffective but make sure your profile links to the book and suggest that the community investigate the 'source' at that profile page.

#3 Niche marketing is the core of this blog and there are many other ways to blanket the market, and each to their own, but the pass along market is not resident in the warehouse data warehouses of ebooks(amazon, et.al.) so this means that a sampler(see other posting on FreEbooks here) is more effective as word of mouse pass along inside focused affinity groups(marketese for potentially valuable and empathetic readers).

#4  Much of the ebook marketing is what I call 'ME" marketing, a variation on the "I" space of Apple et al, and that tends to be generational and also skewed towards male energey(take) vice female energy (share and give) which exists regardless of being a woman or a man. So, the core issue we recommend it to identify which gender is more likely to gift or share Your ebooks(usually female) and make the 'appeteaser' available for Free sharing as a way to seed the marketplace.

#5  Once there is a pass along value established, be sure to monitor, and respond with enthusiasm, as feedback from the marketplace is one of the most valuable elements of ensuring book success.

Hope this helps a bit.

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good

05 May 2013

Can You Be A Socially Responsible Ebook Coach & Consultant?

Good Sunday foggy morning from Bavaria where the church bells still toll in small villages, where my client www.sophiasirius.net is operating from. While walking to the bakery for fresh rolls this morning, I was struck by a notion. Like the starfish on the beach, I can only do so many FreEbooks4Good and we are focusing on the Issue about Non-Violence 4 Women & Girls. Yet according to my research, there are at least 500,000 good causes(non profits, ngos, charities, community groups, etc) and they all have a story to tell.

So, whether You are engaged with non profit work, or simply wish to delve into socially responsible work as a balancing point for Your other world, we invite you to a 3x a week online Demonstration training session, where we will guide you to understand how to become involved in this process.

So with a Pay as You Give approach, we invite You to consider attending(only 8 spots per one hour session but they go for two hours each time) on the Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday sessions.

Here's an example of one such event on 7 May 2013

Please consider sharing this amongst Your communities and we look forward to Your joining this rEvolution in Ebooks4Good Support campaigns.

BTW, here is a link to the one I am developing as part of my consulting practice.


Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good

04 May 2013

What do Women Want OR Where is the Top Subject category to Make search more effective

One thing I have learned is that all is simple when taken at face value. Women, by and large, are the highest purchasers of retail paperbacks and soon ebooks in the US and Western European markets(some reports suggest 4x the volume, but 2x is good enough for us.

Ok, and some online reports(e.g. Pew Research) suggest that women are using internet to search for information pertinent(relevant) to support communities. Such as Women's Health.

So, would it see reasonable for BISAC(industry topic setting group) to at least add Women(Issues/Health/Rights) to top level to make it easier to find information.

Wonder wonder who..who wrote the book of love.

A Few links to share on this topic.

BISAC Subject Headings List, Major Subjects does this seem right to You Poll is here ccc

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Or As a Gift For Your Socially Aware Community Writer, Author, Self Publisher or Activist http://bit.ly/EbookNicheGiftSW2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good

03 May 2013

Leaving Readers UnHappy OR Ebooks can feed paperbacks if One only offers it

Updated 9 September 2013

Dug up this WSJ article about print and ebooks (http://bit.ly/Ebook2POD101) and tend to agree but it misses a bigger point.

Let's assume that ebook types are a bit younger than usual book reader, and that perhaps are considered leading edgers in tech.

Rule #1 Ebook readers are SURROUNDED by Print readers, AND Your Ebook MUST have a link somewhere towards End of Books to the POD link where the ereader can PURCHASE A GIFT CERTIFICATE copy of POD for thier numerous Non Ebook community.

Nice thing about being a linear analytical engineer by background(and there are some good things to that) is that I keep good notes(in an old fashioned spiral notebook too - hint needs a pen to work). So, when designing the 'Telescoping Version' of Ebook niche marketing, guess what I re-discovered while doing such a review.

One of my clients, www.sophiasirius.net had invested mucho dinero to get a POD(Print on Demand) version way before the tidal wave of ebooks showed it's face(back in 2009 to be precise). Seems that this got lost in the ebook sauce.

So doing a simple change to the Condensed Version, "A Man's Guide to a New Feminism" FreEbook, we simply placed at the very last page near credits, an offer to pick up the Ebook(on sale at Kobo) and the POD book(on sale at Lulu.com) simply cause of this one clear factoid.

Ebook readers are literally surrounded by those with other reading habits, AND we suffered from the same ebook centric mentality that only served one market. So this morning on a grey overcast Bavarian day, we simply added such invitation language to this FreEbook and voila, the telescoping is in place.

Ahh. btw, a good idea to add a tracking technique such as bit.ly(and there are loads more) so we can see where the leads generate from.

Lesson learned eh?

Ahh here is that starting link for the telescoping technique


Note: and to celebrate the obviousness of this approach, got a new bit.ly(as noted) and simply went to a few social communities on feminism and let then know that there is such a Man's Guide 2 A New Feminism.

Ready for a One Hour session to learn How to build Your Own 
Ebook Niche Marketing campaign?
28.00 Includes Copy of Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing Guide Book
Hope that perhaps this FreEbook about Socially Responsible Ebook Marketing can be a good resource guide. http://bit.ly/EbookInYourVoice

And then we have the Ebook4Good edition which comes with Hangout support here http://bit.ly/SocRespEbook2013

Or As a Gift For Your Socially Aware Community Writer, Author, Self Publisher or Activist http://bit.ly/EbookNicheGiftSW2013

Please consider joining our Google + community for weekly Hangouts4Good http://bit.ly/Ebooks4Good